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Sunday 3 October 2010

Back in the land of the cheese!

So I'm back in Leicester, have been for a week so I'm a bit slow on the uptake. Not really been updating this a whole lot. Mainly cos I'm lazy and forget. The new blockmates have moved in and they all seem pretty cool so far! And oddly enough they're all Southerners who actually think my accent is nice. That's unusual as most Southerners here usually have a little bash at it to be honest. I like it! Going to freshers fair on Tuesday because I'm working tomorrow so I want to try and sleep in a bit so that I'm able to stay up late and function properly. Hurray for even more hurting legs and feet! But even more hurray for money! I'm always up for that. If I end up working nearly 8 hours again then that's near enough £100 within 2 days! Which is completely bombing and I love it! :D I'm now a fully fledged bartender. Woop!

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