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Sunday 17 July 2011

Updates and cute stuff!

So today's blog will be just..I dunno random updates aha. And cute stuff. And to start off the cute stuff, meet my new cousin!

Logan John Missions :D Born on 15th July, which was incidentally the day Harry Potter came out! 
We thought it was ironic as the place in Utah I'm going to is called Logan, and obviously in Utah there are Mormons and they go on missions. Logan Missions. HOW STRANGE?
He was so sweet, cooed a lot xD

I also saw Harry Potter today, totally awesome. Loved it, would go see it again! The battle scenes were epic, Snape totally broke my heart and McGonagall was badass as usual :)

Yeah I can't think of anything else aha

Tuesday 5 July 2011


So I was bored last night at 2am. This was the result.

Excuse it looking awful. I had terrible lighting to work with and just generally couldn't be bothered. Top is gold and green, bottom is silver and a rusty brown colour. Bleh

Friday 1 July 2011

More new stuff :)

So I got more new stuff recently and well...I felt like posting it dammit :)

So as you can obviously see...I bought a Kindle. It's to get with me to America as there's no point in me buying physical books in America that I can't take back with me to the UK, so I invested in one. I'm a person who totally can't live without reading so this for me is probably one of the best things I've bought ever! It's really simple to use too!

As well as this, I bought more Barry M eyeshadows as they're still on 3 for £9.99 in Superdrug XD

I tried to buy lots of varieties of colours!

This is 96, Gold.

This is 84, Cherry Red.

3, Pink/Gold

99, Bright Indigo

72, Emerald.

25, Rust.

Nothing else to say about them really. Obviously I like them or I wouldn't have bought them!! :)