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Thursday 29 April 2010

Things University Has Taught Me

So being at university has taught me some things.
As expected, and I don't mean educational things, of course I was going to learn those.
No, this is a list of other things I've learnt.
  • People can irritate me very easily, for no apparent reason
  • I can become bored easily in lectures even though they're interesting
  • I can spend most of my day doing nothing and think it a productive day
  • I can survive on barely any money at university, and still go out and generally survive
  • Laptops are your life, your laptop dies, pretty much you die.
  • The internet is the lifeline for students. That dies students are forced to socialise.
  • I can find one hour a day of university tedious and it takes a lot to wake up for that one hour
  • Nights out end badly. Always.
  • I can cook. Surprisingly.
  • I'm highly independent and it never bothered me when my parents left. I didn't cry.
  • I didn't make a lot of friends, but the friends I did make are worth a lot to me!
  • I should join more societies. Really.
  • The History society seems to think I'm a member. I'm not. Stop emailing me.
  • I get multiple emails a day from Ms. Whitmore. I don't care about them.
  • I hate the AVS office.
  • I love meeting internationals.
  • I love Americans (shock horror)
  • I like Americas Next Top Model
  • I like Disney
  • Showcase cinema in Leicester is outrageously expensive. But I still go.
  • Leicester is one of the best places to shop!
  • I love New Look
  • I like drinking alcohol. As long as it's not beer, lager, wine.
  • The Christian Society as Leicester sure knows how to piss everyone off.
  • Sainsburys on Queens Road calls to me every day. Damn you.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson was a very boring man. Due to the fact I've not learnt anything about him.
  • Andrew Johnstone is quite amusing once you get over his odd accent.
  • I can do a 3000 word essay in a few hours.
  • I can do an essay on something I've never even heard of in a few hours!
  • I suck ass at exams
I can't think of anything else, but university sure is a learning curve!

Monday 26 April 2010

Scotland whining..again

'The Scottish National Party says it has raised £50,000 to proceed with legal action over the prime ministerial debate on BBC One on Thursday.'

Guess what Scotland..England doesn't care.
Shut up with your incessant whining, you don't even like England.
You have your own damn government, you rule over yourselves.
And yet both you AND Wales both get to have a deciding vote in how England is run.
Screw you.
England doesn't want to see you in the debates, you have your own damn debates.
The whole point of the debate is that all three parties are the main parties all over the place.
Scotland and Wales each have their own debates.
Why should we see a bloody SNP member in our debate when we can't even vote for him?
Get with it, no one cares.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

The God squad


That article irritates me. No I don't give a flying crap what the moral values of any politician I elect are.
I elect them based on their parties bloody policies.
This is not America, the American government is riddled with so many gaping holes due to the religious right.
This isn't an attack on religion itself, just the fact that it has no place in politics.
Seperation of church and state.
Not all of Britain is Christian, Britain has an incredibly high number of atheists, Muslims and others.
So why should politics be ruled by some religion who feels they have to have a say in what government does.
If they don't want government interfering with them (see Equal Opportunities Act, they hate that), then stop interfering in government.
I want my government to improve the lifestyle of Britain, not turn into America where if you so much as mention you're an atheist you appear to be shunned if you're a politician.
Practice it, enjoy it, believe it but dear god please don't make our politics religious.
Contrary to popular Christian belief, not everyone likes being ruled over by a God.
I'm atheist and the sheer fact that I could possibly be denied something because someone else believes it goes against their 'god' angers me.
I have no god.
I like the fact that Britain can elect a government who does not have to publicly proclaim they are a Christian and that they go to Church.
That there is not a right side of our politics that bases most of it's opposition on religious beliefs.
Just my own opinion on it, religion isn't needed in politics.

The thing of the devil

I've officially decided.
Contraceptive pills are the thing of the devil.
Micryogynon turned me into a depressive paranoid who lost all interest in anything fun.
And the new one the Doctor has given me sounds like a riot.
The reviews for it basically say it's the pill of the devil.
I mean :
  • water retention
  • weight gain
  • depression
  • paranoia
  • mood swings
  • insomnia
  • over sleeping (the complete opposite I know wtf right?)
  • dizziness
  • blood clots
  • nausea
  • Bleeding for weeks?
Screw this I'll just put up with what I had before any of this.
Yes a complete personal rant but I don't care, it's evil.
It's officially evil and ruined my happy go lucky life for the past few months.
Made me hate my courses at university even though they weren't that bad.
Made me lose interest in pretty much anything, I didn't even wanna go out on my birthday.
In fact as I remember it, I got very depressive when the parents went home.
It's ridiculous.
I'm going to stop and hopefully everything improves.
Because I hate it.

Monday 19 April 2010

Books books everywhere!

So I went to the library today to get some new books.
And shockingly they had books I wanted.
But I decided I was going to give some books to them as I have far too many.
This is how many bags of books I'm giving away.

Over a 100 books to go the library aha.
Books from back when I was like what..10 or something.
All sorts.
Horror, romance, teenage, fiction, paranormal romance.
Lots and lots of books :)
Doing my bit for the community aha.
And a doctors appointment on Wednesday.

Sunday 18 April 2010

The cat is so lazy..

My cat's so darned lazy.
All she ever does is sleep..get up...go back to sleep aha.
She's cute though, a little black and white fluffball
Especially when she does stuff like this.But it's totally cute right? :D
She's got into that habit lately..of curling up under the covers of my mum and dads bed.
She just lays her head on the pillow, it's adorable.
She's a funny cat but oh well, love her all the same :D

Nothing interesting

Yeah this is my first blog post but there is nothing interesting here, I promise.
Not that anyone is even gonna care haha.
I only made this because I was bored and I started watching Tomb Raider and decided to make a list of everything I want to buy :/
So here's my list of things for me to eventually buy

Lara Croft Tomb Raider Cradle of Life
Hellboy 2
Emperors New Groove
Monsters Inc
The Mummy 2
The Mummy Rise of the Dragon Emperor
The Young Black Stallion

Patricia Briggs - Silver Borne
Kelley Armstrong - The Reckoning
Kelley Armstrong - Tales of the Otherworld
Charlaine Harris - Grave Secret
Keri Arthur - Moon Sworn
Lauren Conrad - Sweet Little Lies

And yeah I can't think of anything else...how lame?
I suppose main points before anything are

  • Transfer onto the 4 year course
  • Save up money for America
  • Get accepted to Colorado
  • Save up more money for America
  • Go to America :D FAIL. Not going anymore :(
I can dig that :)
That's all, I'm sure I'll rant at some point aha.