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Thursday 6 January 2011

Christmas and other stuff

Sooo yeah, Christmas was good I suppose. I'm not huge on Christmas, I love Halloween more. I can't wait for Halloween in America, it's gonna be great. But then again I think I'll love Christmas more in America too, they seem more excitable about it and go to greater lengths to make stuff look awesome. So I'll get excitable, which I'm sure my mum will kill me for. But whatever. I got lots of PS3 games for christmas, Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood, Blur, RDR: Undead Nightmare and Dead Rising 2. I also got some books and Fringe season 2, Bones season 1, Supernatural season 5 and Band of Brothers! I love everything here and I've already finished Assassin's Creed 2 and am well into Brotherhood. It's so fun!

And then I worked New Years Eve Propaganda, which was about as much fun as shooting myself in the face. I swear. The wonderful O2 Academy was open from 10pm till 4am, and good lord were we ready for it to close by 2:30! It was practically dead by the end, I've seen bigger kids parties I swear to god! And I totally missed the AMAZING fireworks in London. They were awesome, I'll post them so you can watch. I mean, they were set to MUSIC AND EVERYTHING. I think it's around 2:35 where Queen starts, and the magic really happens!

I showed my granddad Utah State the other day when he came over. He thought it looked great and very picturesque, clean and tidy. Oh and very American aha. And when it kept showing all the amazing sports you can do he was like 'I wouldn't do that, gonna do some mountain climbing Sarah?'. I just stared at him aha. I also showed him Annie, which sounds totally weird I do realise. But he wanted to see her because I'd told him that she already went there and was willing to help me round or at least get my bearings and hopefully be my awesome American friend! He thought both her and her family were the picture perfect American family and that they looked so nice. I totally agree, just looking at her pictures makes me think they look like the ultimate nice family! I'd totally love to meet them!

He also asked me if I was gonna go skiing or anything. I'd just like to point out right now that I will probably suck at skiing. Plus I want to snowboard not ski along with the fact I'd be super paranoid that I'd get hurt and it would cost me ridiculous amounts of dollars to fix. I'd much rather just stay safe and complete!

I can't really think of anything else to post except that I'm not looking forward to going back to Uni. I have two exams, one on Friday 21st January and one on Saturday 22nd January. Yeah that's right, a SATURDAY. And they're the days after each other, WTF? So not happy. Then ANOTHER exam on the Wednesday, good lord do I hate exams.

Well that's all folks!

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