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Sunday 30 January 2011

Exams are over!

So my exams are over....yaaaay! This makes me super happy because I hate exams. I hope I did okay in them but time will tell.

So no more of this. Not that I did any. Worst work ethic ever.
I spent Wednesday, Friday and Saturday working, I've officially decided after this year I'm NEVER working in a bar ever again. It's the ultimate irony, the girl who doesn't like alcohol spending part of her life working with the stuff. People are so darn rude! And I hate picking up all the rubbish afterwards. So lame.
And this week I'm working a ridiculous amount, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday late lounge (a.k.a working from 10:30pm to 5am at the earliest) *sigh* S'all money right? And I need this.

Lovely colourful pounds. This totally made me realise that it's going to take me forever to understand American money. I mean, all their notes are green. Which is NO help for me, they're going to be getting lots of notes tbh. I admit, I prefer our pounds or even the Euros, because they're totally colourful and pretty.

And on that note, I have to prove I have around £7500 by March 7th. Can you say...WHAT THE FUCK? Student finance isn't even OPEN yet, and I have as much chance of them completing my application in a month as I do of raising the dead. Apparently I can send this years student finance to prove I get money and will be getting money. Combined with what I have so far, I've got around...£6400? I know right, I need £1100 at least. And I am NOT earning that in a month. God damn. At least I'm not like some other people, some need to prove they have $15,000, and people at George Madison University have to prove $18,000. Ouch.

That's about it really, can't think of anything else pressing to add :)

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