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Wednesday 2 February 2011


So, Sunday night I didn't sleep at all and got up at 7:30 to get into Uni for 9. I think in like...35 hours or something stupid I had 1 1/2 hours sleep. Because I'm just hardcore.
Never again I swear.
But then I fell asleep the next night at 12:30am, which is like..the earliest I've gone to sleep since I was like..5 or something. Then woke up at 8:40am of my own accord which I thought was pretty cool.

I worked last night too, and am working tonight, tomorrow and Friday. Boo. It was quite busy last night to be honest, I've never served so many J2O's or Red Bulls, we went through so many! It was a roller disco which looked quite cool. Took us barely any time to clean up which pleased me. And then I just slep today, because I'm lazy. I finished a book last night so I really don't care if I slept late. It's what I do.

I love these.
Tiny picture I know. But they're gorgeous and more-ish.

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