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Monday 21 March 2011

2012 - Year of Awesome

So 2012 is going to be the most epic year...ever.... I mean first of all the OLYMPICS ARE IN LONDON...HELL YEAH.

Secondly, I'll still be in America for half the year! And I'll be going to Vegas for my 21st which of course will be epicly epic! Paid for by the parents hopefully through a Christmas/birthday present! :D I can't wait for that one! Vivaaaa Las Vegas!

And thirdly, when I come home, me and Kirsty are going to buy a month long Interrrail pass which means that we can get any trains in Europe!! And our route?

It has to be shown in extra large because it's kinda hard to see. But our proposed route so far consists of Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Greece! Isn't that awesome?!

The actual cities will be - Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona, Nice, Geneva, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Munich, Copenhagen, Berlin, Prague, Zurich, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Rome, Olympia, Delphi, Athens and Santorini.


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