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Thursday 31 March 2011


So this is what I feel like right now

I've done 1278/5000 words for TOMORROW AT NOON. I'm a trooper, it'll get done. It's just a case of when and where. It may be 4:30 in the morning, but it'll be done. I'm quite proud, in total I've technically managed to write that in about...45 minutes? ;) So that should mean a few hours and BOOM.

This guys changing my door. I kinda just wanna be all

As he woke me up at freaking 9am and so I got up so he wouldn't just like..open up my door and I'm asleep or some crazy crap. And he's like..only JUST started to change my door.

And now I'm staring at my old door in my room and thinking 'how the fuck did that manage to fit in that door frame?' Thing is huge.

I mean...look at that?! And that's slanted ever so slightly too, how the freaking nora did that ever make it into my door frame?

Mystery of life

Day 10

Day 10 - A photo taken of you over 10 years ago.

So this is like...totally my favourite picture of me from when I went to Disneyland Paris when I was like..what 9? Something like that. It's my dad's great photography skills. I love it <3

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Day 9

Day 09 - A photo you took

I don't know why but this was the first proper 'arty' photo I took with my new camera, and I've pretty much loved this photo every since. I love how the bars are in focus but the ride isn't. I love it <3

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Day 8

Day 08 - A photo that makes you angry/sad

I genuinely don't know of one lol :/

Monday 28 March 2011

Posting stats gone global!

So I've just randomly found that you can see who's viewed your blog today (within reason) aha. And I'm really surprised as apparently the country that views my blog the highest is the US with 46 views. But this is where it gets interesting, I'll post the table below.

United States
United Kingdom

How weird is that?! Germans have viewed my profile 29 times, which I find rather odd tbh lol. And then Indonesia of all places with 8 after! I didn't think anyone read my blog never mind people from Germany and Indonesia, that's awesome! Guten tag!

That's totally awesome! :D

UPDATE - That's just this week! :O Apparently today 10 Germans have looked at this blog. Wow.

United Kingdom
United States

All time stats!!! CHINA? SINGAPORE? THIS IS AMAZING. My blog has officially gone global. AWESOME.

Willkommen, bienvenido, 歡迎光臨, Velkommen, Καλώς Ορίσατε, स्वागत, benvenuto, 

Day 7

Day 07 - A photo that makes you happy

Man, a week already? It doesn't seem like it.

So this photo, or any photo of the Acropolis, always makes me happy. Just the thought of being able to see it in person next year gets me excited and giddy. Such history in one place, I love Greece and I love Ancient Greece and I can't wait to get there and see it in person <3

Sunday 27 March 2011

Day 6

Day 06 - Whatever tickles your fancy

No idea what this is meant to be aha, so I'll just post a delightful picture of:

I'm watching the first season of Rome at the moment, it's pretty good (even though I prefer Ancient Greek history). So yeah.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Europe :)

So I'm currently worrying over getting fined for handing in my census form late, (well it's not late for the census itself but for what the university wants us to hand it in by) so I'm going to cheer myself up by posting a visual tour of what will be my European trip next year!

Lisbon, Portugal

Madrid, Spain

Barcelona, Spain

Nice, France

Paris, France

Brussels, Belgium

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Munich, Germany

Copenhagen, Denmark

Berlin, Germany

Vienna, Austria

Prague, Czech Republic

Zurich, Switzerland

Geneva, Switzerland

Venice, Italy

Florence, Italy

Pisa, Italy

Rome, Italy

Olympia, Greece

Delphi, Greece

Athens, Greece

Santorini, Greece

Oh my god, doesn't it look amazing? :D

Day 5

Day 05 - Your favourite quote

'Opportunities don't often come along. So, when they do, you have to grab them'

By Audrey Hepburn :) <3

Friday 25 March 2011

Good times in England

So for some reason England has decided to go straight from a horrible freezing winter to summer, missing out spring entirely! The trees aren't even properly budding yet, but the sun is shining, the birds are out and there's not a cloud in the sky!

It isn't a very good picture but you can definitely see the sun shining high! It's so beautiful, I love it when England is like this. When the air is cool but the sun is hot and you walk around in a t-shirt and just feel like you really love life!

And whilst the stereotype may be that England is full of sullen people and it rains all the time, I'd like to say that's a pile of crap! Because once the sun comes out, man is this place beautiful! And the people really know how to enjoy their sun, there were loads of people in the park today just chilling around, having fun and enjoying themselves.

I was on the bus home and I definitely got thinking, this weather always makes me feel really happy and giddy, so I have to play dance music and the like to keep my mood up. And it got me excited for America and for Europe next year! Especially Europe! All I could think about was going there in the summer and enjoying the hot European sun. I'm so excited, I can't wait.

I love my life <3

Day 4

Day 04 - Your favourite book

Wow day 4 already, it's flying by! But unlike the others, this one has a definite answer! :D I have Emma to thank for introducing me to the series this book is in, which is the Dark-Hunter series. It's officially my favourite series of books EVER. I can re-read them again and again.
But my favourite book ever of all time?

Oh my god, ever since I started reading them I pretty much fell in love with Acheron, or Ash. He's just..the perfect character. Ever <3 I wish he was real, I swear! These are the best books I've ever read, and Ash's book was so emotional! I was so happy things turned out all right my gorgeous God!

Thursday 24 March 2011

Day 3

Day 03 - Your favourite television programme

I have quite a few programmes, if you know me, then you know I never have a true favourite anything. Just a bunch of favourites which is the way things are supposed to be. But I'd say at the moment my favourite television programme has to be:

I love it, I love sciency stuff. I absolutely hate reality television programmes. They're just god awful. And apart from the David Tennant episodes of Doctor Who, I bloody well hate British television as well. It's awful. Terrible storylines, terrible acting just plain terrible.
I prefer American television programmes, they're just so much better put together!
I love Fringe so much and I hope it gets renewed for another season! There's simply not enough episodes to fully explain this story arc!
Oh and btw, Oliva-Peter ftw! None of this faux-livia-Peter shit. Fuck you fake Olivia!

In case you were wondering, here are my other favourite television shows (that I've seen every single season and episode of ;)) - Supernatural, Bones, Vampire Diaries, Band of Brothers, Lie To Me. I quite like America's Next Top Model. None of that Britain's Next Top Model, like I said, British television = naff

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Day 2

Day 2 - Your Favourite Movie

Hmmm, I have a lot of favourite movies tbh. To me, what constitutes a 'favourite' means a film that I can watch again and again and again and not get bored halfway through (it happens a surprising amount of times). But I definitely think today I will say that my favourite film of all time is:

I absolutely LOVE this film. I loved it when it came out, and I still love it 14 years later! It's just..the best film ever or something. It started my complete fascination with ancient Greece (trust me, I'm totally in love with ALL things Greek. Yasas!) and I just love the mythology and the songs.
Bless my soul, Herc was on a role, undefeated!
Gah, it's just..amazing. I only have 2 Disney films that I consider to be in my top favourites overall, this and Mulan (which is also epic). But I can happily put this on and watch it on repeat!
So glad I bought it on DVD finally for my birthday this year. :)

Tuesday 22 March 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 1

So, I just read Annie's blog and she mentioned a 30 day blog challenge. I've just looked this up and found one on http://aqifa.blogspot.com/2010/03/30-day-blog-challenge.html so I thought I'd do mine following that! Let's hope I can keep up with this yeah?

Day 01 - Your favourite song
A LOT of deliberation went into this one tbh, I have a few favourites but one that has always remained a firm is the following <3

Avenged Sevenfold - I Won't See You Tonight Pt.1 from Waking the Fallen.

Yeah it's a metal song by a metal band, but it's just so....melodic and beautiful. It's always been a favourite of mine and I generally think it's possibly my favourite song ever. I'll list the lyrics too so you can see it. <3 It's also my favourite band btw.

Cry alone, I've gone away
No more nights, no more pain
I've gone alone, took all my strength
I've made the change,
I won't see you tonight

Sorrow, sank deep inside my blood
All the ones around me
I cared for and loved

Building up inside of me
A place so dark, so cold, I had to set me free
Don't mourn for me,
You're not the one to place the blame
As bottles call my name I won't see you tonight

Sorrow sank deep inside my blood
All the ones around me
I cared for and most of all I loved
But I can't see myself that way
Please don't forget me or cry while I'm away

Cry alone, I've gone away
No more nights, no more pain
I've gone alone, took all my strength
But I've made the change,
I won't see you tonight

So far away, I'm gone.
Please don't follow me tonight
And while I'm gone everything will be alright

No more breath inside
Essence left my heart tonight
No more breath inside
Essence left my heart tonight


Monday 21 March 2011

2012 - Year of Awesome

So 2012 is going to be the most epic year...ever.... I mean first of all the OLYMPICS ARE IN LONDON...HELL YEAH.

Secondly, I'll still be in America for half the year! And I'll be going to Vegas for my 21st which of course will be epicly epic! Paid for by the parents hopefully through a Christmas/birthday present! :D I can't wait for that one! Vivaaaa Las Vegas!

And thirdly, when I come home, me and Kirsty are going to buy a month long Interrrail pass which means that we can get any trains in Europe!! And our route?

It has to be shown in extra large because it's kinda hard to see. But our proposed route so far consists of Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Greece! Isn't that awesome?!

The actual cities will be - Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona, Nice, Geneva, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Munich, Copenhagen, Berlin, Prague, Zurich, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Rome, Olympia, Delphi, Athens and Santorini.


Tuesday 1 March 2011

Spring Break + Vegas!

Soo I'm going to assume it's either Spring Break in America, or going to be Spring Break soon. This makes me excited as apparently, at least according to the preliminary calender on Utah State's website, spring break next year coincides with my 21st birthday!!! You so know what that means....

Helllllll yeaaaaaaah! Vegas baby. It's totally happening. My birthday next year is on a Tuesday, so I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do the epic Vegas until AFTER my birthday. Which whilst fun, isn't all that fun really huh? But oooh no. SPRING BREAK + 21ST BIRTHDAY = SHEER AWESOMENESS. 

I just hope when I go to Utah I find people who are willing to come celebrate my 21st with me in Vegas!