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Wednesday 6 April 2011

European Dreams

So I realised just now, that I can't wait for Europe next year. There's over a year to go, over 365 days before me and Kirsty can just go on our trip and leave real life behind. And the sad thing is, that's the only thing right now in my life that's truly set in stone. Come hell or high water, I will be travelling Europe next year.

Pretty much, my university and student finance fucked up to put it simply. My university NEVER made a course code for the four year course, so everything's just basically bloody stopped as I'm trying desperately to sort it out. I feel like I'm messing Utah around, and I'm terrified that they're just suddenly going to go 'Oh no we can't wait any longer...sorry' and then tell me I can't do it and I have to drop onto a 3 year course again.

But if that happens, then I'm keeping my job at the students union hopefully, and I reckon I could easily save up around £5,000 for next summer, which means me and Kirsty could have the most epic European trip ever. Hell we could even do stuff like Egypt if we wanted or something.

But if anything happens and I can't do Europe, I think I'll be really heartbroken over it. I hate to say it, but I've come to terms right now with the fact that there's a chance I might not be going to Utah next year if everything doesn't get sorted out, but no Europe?
I can't even bear the thought of it.

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