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Wednesday 20 April 2011

Just stuff

So I only just realised today that my bank, NatWest, gave me £20 compensation because of the complaint we made the other day! Basically the Leicester branch dicked me around something rotten last semester, so we complained and they've given me that! :D Which is always a bonus. I'm not putting it into my savings account though, primarily because the least amount of money I spend means the more money I will have when my loan goes in to put away! :)

I don't know what they were doing in Leicester, but since going into my Wakefield branch I've been sent two statements for my savings account, which alas I do not need anymore because they printed me out a letter saying how much finances I have! Sad times! 

Student finance STILL haven't sorted out my freaking finances, it's almost like they don't realised that I sent them a change of circumstances form...two weeks ago. Seriously, sort it out guys. IT'S NOT LIKE I NEED IT OR ANYTHING FOR NEXT YEAR. 

My room is super freaking hot in the day :( It's really not cool. Basically, I leave my window open at night, which means that at night it's cold as anything and I have to snuggle down in my bed. But unfortunately my room faces the sun and has double glazed windows, therefore in the day it's hotter than hell, and I often wake up feeling suffocated and sweating it's that warm :( So not cool! (no pun intended hah)

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