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Friday 22 April 2011

A shopping trip!

So me and Becky skedaddled on to Leeds today for a little shopping trip. I wasn't intending to buy anything, Becky was, and she did buy stuff, but I ended up buying stuff too. I went originally in a vest top, cardigan and jeans, and holy cow I'd only been there for like..half an hour and I was dying from the heat. It was super hot today, over 21 degrees apparently. So I ended up in New Look and bought these amazing little beauties.

I swear as soon as I put them on I instantly felt cooler! They were such a godsend on a warm day :D And then we went into River Island, and there was this purse I really wanted as mines over 2 years old now and practically falling apart, but it was £12.99 and I was all 'I'm not paying that much for a purse!' so Becky bought me it! :D HOW CUTE IS THIS?

It's so cute and summery looking :) And slightly nautical looking, which as you can tell by my gorgeous nautical styled pyjamas, I LOVE. I absolutely adore sailor stuff, and if I could I'd buy everything to do with sailors <3

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