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Tuesday 19 April 2011


I feel like making a post about some movies, so here you go :)

So I finally watched this yesterday.

It was okay. I didn't think it was amazingly, fantastic, mind-blowingly, awesome like all my friends apparently thought it was. Nor did I think it was confusing like a lot of people told me it was. I understood everything that was happening quite easily and wondered where I was supposed to be confused. It was an okay film, pretty easy for me to watch and enjoy, but I didn't think it was AMAZING or anything. I'd watch it again sure, but...well yeah, the best part was the soundtrack. I love Hans Zimmer to pieces, he does all my favourite soundtracks. And pretty much the entire way through the film I was all 'omg this soundtrack is immense'. 

I watched this the other week.

I thought it was twice as good as Inception tbh. Real sleek and nice, I would've actually liked to have seen what it looked like in 3D tbh, and I normally think 3D is a complete waste of time. I also LOVE the soundtrack to this too, I love Daft Punk and Derezzed is totally awesome. Great movie!

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